The curated software developer and engineering community in Bandung, Indonesia. BandungDev is collaborating with various other tech communities. We aim to improve the educational activities.

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Past Events
Some of the finished events
Tech Meetup: π―Full Stack Web Drama
Mengumpulkan semua penggiat Web Development dengan berbagai tech stack! Yok ikutan meetup dan diskusi langsung terkait full stack web: secara teknis, workflow, pros & cons, dilema, dsb. Akan ada pemaparan materi dan talkshow berdrama.
Gadespace Cimahi
View EventTech Meetup: πRandom Tech Drama
"Hah? Topik tech apaan nih?" Seputar apa aja yang baru di dunia teknologi sekarang. Termasuk rencana baru BandungDev ke depan. Kita juga akan ada open mic (ala standup comedy) untuk peserta terpilih.
Coffee University x Sandpaper 105
View EventTech Meetup: Infra, DevOps, Cloud Drama
Web infrastructure, DevOps (Development & Operation), Cloud services, deployment, and more.
Auditorium Lantai 4, West Java Investment Hub (WJI-Hub)
View EventTech Meetup: AI & ML Drama
Membahas Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML)
BLOCK71 Bandung
View EventTech Meetup: Backend Drama
Membahas situasi backend terkini, spesifik bahasa pemrograman (JS/TS, Java, PHP, dsb), library/framework (Node.js, Spring, Laravel, dsb), arsitektur, komunitas, dsb
Jabar Digital Service (JDS) Ruang Selatan (Jabar Command Center) samping Masjid Al-Muttaqin, Gedung Sate, Bandung
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